Monday, September 15, 2014

My Strengths

(Part of @teachthought 30-day Reflective Teaching Blogging Challenge) more info here.

Day 15: "Name three strengths you have as an educator."

Sometimes as educators we are constantly focused on fixing the things that don't work in our classroom that we tend to forget to focus on the positive and celebrate the strengths. I think that is also true when it comes to ourselves -- it's often easy to focus on your weaknesses and wish that you were better at this or that instead of remembering your strengths and using them more often.

These are areas where I think I have strengths~

1) Flexibility
As a teacher, wife, and mom, there are many times where I am juggling life and dealing with its twists and turns as it happens. I believe that I have the strength of flexibility to adapt to different situations, change things on the spot, develop new ideas, and adjust time or pace needed for lessons.

2) Open to Change/New Ideas
I love learning more, trying new things in the classroom, and changing things up! One example of this is some of the new technology tools that I'm trying this year. Another example is the amazing and incredible connections I have made with educators all over the country by using Twitter. I have received a great deal of new ideas and ways of thinking by learning from these new connections.

3) Caring Attitude
This is probably the strength I think is most important. I have an attitude of caring - for my family, students, and colleagues. I think this helps me connect with others and believe in the idea that we can all help each other.

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