Sunday, July 20, 2014

Let's Chat

How do you grow relationships, show support, gain new ideas, and meet new people? By talking with them and having conversations.While Twitter chats may not be exactly like real "talking" they are, in fact, an excellent way to communicate. In addition, they are a great place to find new ideas to inspire both yourself and your students.

I couldn't help but think of Twitter when seeing this lovely
bird decoration on my mother's coffee table.

When it comes to chats on Twitter, I lurked awhile and stayed on the sidelines while watching others sharing their knowledge of education. It didn't take long before I wanted a piece of the action.

Twitter Chat TIPS for newbies:
*Before participating, it's a good idea to download Tweetdeck or a similar platform (Hootsuite is another)
*Open up a column with the chat hashtag (so you can follow the whole conversation)
*Open another column for the chat moderator(s) (makes it easier to notice new questions)
*I suggest one more column for your notifications or mentions (so you can reply to side conversations)
*Introduce yourself
*Always use the chat hashtag in your posts & replies
*Have fun & meet new people to follow that can add to your knowledge

For those of you new to Twitter:
~ I suggest #nt2t (New Teachers to Twitter) This is a chat with teachers that are new to Twitter, Twitter veterans, and many in between. It takes place on Saturday mornings at 8am Central.
~ Check out the TweechMe app (new) on iTunes for only $0.99 It has great info for those new to Twitter as well as those who are ready to dive in a little deeper. Check it out HERE.

Chats that I have frequented (some more than others ~ I have met some GREAT educators in all) are listed below. I often participate in chats based on my schedule, topic, and/or special guests. Find what fits for you!

State Chats:
#IAedchat (Iowa -Yes I'm biased, but this was my first & FAVORITE chat moderated by great, inspirational leaders from my own state) SUNDAYS 8 am and 8 pm Central
#MOedchat (Missouri) THURSDAYS 9pm Central
#NEBedchat (Nebraska) WEDNESDAYS 8pm Central
#SDedchat (South Dakota) TUESDAYS (every other) 8pm Central
#ALedchat (Alabama) MONDAYS 9pm Central
#ARKedchat (Arkansas) THURSDAYS 8pm Central
~As with any chat, you don't have to be an expert in that area, or a member of that state's community, they are welcoming to all educators.

Other Great Chats:
#complitchat (Comprehensive Literacy) WEDNESDAYS 8:30pm Central
#4thchat MONDAYS 7pm Central ~ There are many grade-level & content area chats, super for sharing ideas related to your classroom and finding teachers/classrooms to connect with.
#NBTchat (No Box Thinking) Innovative ways of thinking & moving forward SUNDAYS 7pm Central
#TLAP (Teach Like a Pirate - ideas based on book by Dave Burgess) MONDAYS 8pm Central
#TeachWriting ~ TUESDAYS (every other) 8pm Central
#ChristianEducators ~ THURSDAYS 8pm Central
#1to1techat ~ Using technology in 1:1 settings WEDNESDAYS 8pm Central
#geniushour ~ 1st THURSDAY of month 8pm Central
#Tleadchat ~ (Teacher Leader) THURSDAY 9pm Central
#whatisschool ~ THURSDAY 6pm Central

....and many more!

Twitter Chat List/Times <-- this list is a great way to find new chats

Some chats are taking a "summer break" but even when the chat is not in its weekly "session" there are great things being posted to these hashtags all the time. So take a chance, join a conversation, and meet some great people!

Feel free to leave a comment about your favorite chat!


  1. Good post. Lots of good info on Twitter chats. Just found #leadwithgiants on Mondays 6-7 pm CST. Lots of business leaders as well as educators. Also, #titleonechat from 5-6 pm CST on Mondays. Focus is on Title 1 schools.

  2. Great suggestions for chats--many of which we spend together :) Will now have to join 4thchat with you :) All a new tweeter has to do is engage in ONE chat and they'll be hooked :)
